What to Expect

·  How do I get there?

The church is located at 9 Lower Main Street, in Sunapee.  See map.

·  Will someone greet me?

There will be greeters at the front door and the back.  (Note: Our front door is undergoing reconstruction and is not currently accessible.) The back door is closest to the parking lot and is handicap accessible.  The greeter will provide you with a bright smile and the bulletin showing the order of the worship service as well as two of the hymnals that may be used in the service.  The sanctuary is located on the second floor if you have come in the back entrance.  The front entrance opens into the sanctuary.

·  What if I have trouble with stairs?

If you have trouble with stairs, please enter through the back entrance and ask the greeter to help you with the elevator.

·  What is the service like?

A typical worship service starts with a musical prelude and then a gathering hymn, followed by announcements and the call to worship.  Another hymn is sung (Methodists are great fans of singing) and then the opening prayer.  This is followed by a children’s time when any children attending are asked to come forward and sit on the steps to the altar and the pastor will sit with them and give a short children’s message, after which the children can go downstairs to attend Sunday School.  The remainder of the service is composed of scripture readings, a sermon, an offering with special music, and then hymns and prayers.  The whole service usually lasts about an hour.

·  Is an offering expected?

The offering plate is passed during a time of special music by the choir, the hand bell choir, or a soloist and you can put in it as much or as little as you are comfortable to give. (During this time of COVID the plate is left by the door through which you enter the sanctuary. If you wish to leave an offering or tithe, please leave it in the plate as you enter.)

·  What about communion?

You do not have to be a Methodist or a member of this church to participate in communion, but you are not required to participate.  Please know that you are welcome to do so if you wish.  We have communion as part of the worship service on the first Sunday of each month.  The guiding principles of Methodism (The Book of Discipline) prohibits alcohol and so we use grape juice and bread.  The congregation files forward to the communion rail to either kneel or stand (if your knees aren’t up to kneeling) and you will be given a piece of bread to dip into the communion “wine.”  (During this time of COVID the congregation files forward to be given a sealed container of wafer and juice to take back to their seats to eat and drink.) After this a short prayer is given and the congregation files back to their seats.

·  Is there Sunday School for the kids?

From September through June there is Sunday School.  Children attend the first few minutes of the worship service and go downstairs to Sunday School following the Children’s Message. (During this time of COVID in-person Sunday School has been suspended until further notice.)

·  What should I wear?

We are not a formal bunch, most of us wear casual work or school clothes.

·  What if I want to talk to the pastor?

You should have an opportunity to speak with the pastor for a few minutes following the service.  If you need a more extended time, you can make an appointment with her for a more convenient time.

·  What happens after the service?

As well as singing, Methodists are great at cooking and eating.  There is usually a coffee time following the service, which is generally more extensive on the second Sunday of each month, when the congregation brings potluck.  Feel free to partake with us, you do not need to feel you have to bring anything.  A basket is on the table for any donations, but don’t feel you have to contribute.